Arcadia High School Glory Years

Arcadia Glory Years 1960-1963 High School Reunion

Joe Caudle Asks "Are we going to have a 50th Reunion?"

Is the Class of '63 going to get together for a 50th reunion?  It would be fun, and would not necessarily have to require a lot of organization:  Just email everyone and meet at a restaurant.  Anyone in Arizona up for it?

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Hi Joe, So far no one has stepped up to take the lead on planning a reunion for the Class of '63. Your idea of setting up a meet-up at a restaurant sounds like a great plan. I don't know how many people we can reach via email to notify them but it sure would be fun to try. We might have better luck if we organize the meetup after the weather cools down a bit (possibly Oct.?). I still have the mailing list from our last Glory Year's Reunion in 2004 that we could use even though some of the addresses may be out of date. That reunion was for 1960-1963 alumnae. If you want to set something up I can help spread the word (if you'll allow someone from '61 to join in). :-) Thanks for bringing this up again.

Hi Peggy:

If you are still in the Phoenix area, it really shouldn't be that hard to put out an email to all grads of that era, have a restaurant lined up and try to get them together.  From the looks of things we would probably have low participation, but that just makes the logistics easier to handle the few that seem to care!

My wife Linda and I are headed to Germany tomorrow to visit friends.  I went to grad school there, and we go back just about every year.  If you respond to this and send your telephone number, I'll call you after the 24th, when we return.  My cell is 813-787-6389,  Your suggestion about October is a good one--I made the mistake of bringing Linda to AZ the first time in August!  She's never let me forget that...


Joe Caudle '63


As an FYI, the '63 classes from Coronado and Scottsdale highs are holding a joint 50th reunion Oct. 4-5. Since I attended both Arcadia and SHS, I get multiple reunions every few years and hope to be in town for this. event. Would love to get together with Arcadia friends around that time, too. 

Dean Hill '63

Hey Joe,

See my post--I'm all in for having a reunion.  See my post. Vince

Hey Vince:

I saw that I long ago missed your note.  Even if we don't ever have a reunion, I'd like to see you.  My wife Linda works for American Airlines, and I still have a lot of relatives in Phoenix.  Are you still there?  Wherever you are, it would be fun to get together and see what's happened in many long years since we were on that mat together!

I keep in touch with a few classmates:  Don and Patty Jacobsen, Tom Neus, Art Byrd (in jail), Nancy Byrd (still married to Art), and infrequently with Dick Beamer (who left for CA after his sophomore year).  If you'd like to get together for dinner sometime, give me a call at 813-787-6389.

Best possible wishes,



I just saw your note of May 2nd, had not looked at glory yrs for months.  Let's correspond by email or telephone.

or 602-692-2467

The Classes of 64 and 65 have a party coming November 5, 2016.  They have extended their invitation to any member of the classes in the 1960's. has the information.  Jim Gillard (63)

Hi Jim:

Thanks for the info!  My wife and I have to be in Hilton Head, SC on that weekend, and unfortunately, we have already paid for the lodgings.  Please thank them for the invitation, and put us on the list for the next get-together!

Joe Caudle '63

Hi Joe,

Sorry you can't make this one. Yeah, there are a few still around the Phoenix Area.  I've been in Tucson since 1970, but do get up to Phoenix on occasion.  The Tee Pee is still there. Maybe we can all get there sometime in the future.  Do keep up with some of the class of 63.  Cyril Barton and wife Pansy were at my anniversary party earlier this month in California.  I see Rick Barnett often. I'm also in touch with Vince.   Art Byrd in jail? I went back to graduate school after med school in the 80's and ran into him at the U of A.  Let us know when you are around Arizona and we'll round up a few for the Tee Pee        Jim

Yes, I saw that the Classes of 64 and 65 have a party coming November 5, 2016.  They have extended their invitation to any member of the classes in the 1960's. has the information.   I'll share that on facebook.


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